Total Rooms:
Roomkey: 20241025194902401764000000, Roomtype: Entrance Hall, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 9.5, Roomlength: 14.1, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 14.1 X 9.5, Roomdescription: Null, Roomkey: 20241025194902423743000000, Roomtype: Dining Room, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 14, Roomlength: 14, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 14 X 14, Roomdescription: Null, Roomkey: 20241025194902442457000000, Roomtype: Family Room, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 17.9, Roomlength: 18.9, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 18.9 X 17.9, Roomdescription: Null, Roomkey: 20241025194902463676000000, Roomtype: Office, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 13, Roomlength: 13.9, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 13.9 X 13, Roomdescription: Null, Roomkey: 20241025194902484190000000, Roomtype: Kitchen, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 14.6, Roomlength: 21.5, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 21.5 X 14.6, Roomdescription: Null, Roomkey: 20241025194902505054000000, Roomtype: Breakfast Room, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 8.2, Roomlength: 11.9, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 11.9 X 8.2, Roomdescription: Null, Roomkey: 20241025194902523290000000, Roomtype: Primary Bedroom, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 20, Roomlength: 30, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 30 X 20, Roomdescription: Primary Bedrooom With Sitting Room, Roomkey: 20241025194902542092000000, Roomtype: Bedroom 2, Roomlevel: Second, Roomwidth: 14, Roomlength: 14.4, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 14.4 X 14, Roomdescription: Null, Roomkey: 20241025194902560321000000, Roomtype: Bedroom 3, Roomlevel: Second, Roomwidth: 15.1, Roomlength: 15.2, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 15.2 X 15.1, Roomdescription: Second Primary Bedroom With Sitting Room, Roomkey: 20241025194902581482000000, Roomtype: Bedroom 4, Roomlevel: Second, Roomwidth: 12.3, Roomlength: 14, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 14 X 12.3, Roomdescription: Null, Roomkey: 20241025194902602454000000, Roomtype: Bedroom 5, Roomlevel: Lower, Roomwidth: 19.8, Roomlength: 21.6, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 2